North Slope Borough Energy Policies


    Efficient energy use, energy conservation and local energy self-sufficiency are primary energy goals and key factors in North Slope Borough development and administration.


    Energy conservation must apply to all areas including residential, commercial, industrial and transportation. The Borough shall inform and assist individual residents in energy management, but will also set a high standard in its own operations and new construction.


    Federal and State agency assistance will be sought for Borough energy planning and management efforts with a full range of grants and technical assistance.


    For FY 1981/82 and each year thereafter all Borough Departments will seek to maintain lower fuel and energy expenditures than those experienced in past years. This should not be accomplished by reducing service, but rather through Improved energy management and conservation.


    Life-cycle energy costs for all proposed new Borough facilities will be clearly calculated not only in straight line projections, but also on the basis of recommended energy conservation management practices.


    The implementation of a sound, relevant North Slope Borough Building Code emphasizing energy efficient construction will be accomplished as soon as possible.


    Specific alternate energy projects will proceed to help reduce local fuel expenditures and provide a practical demonstration of alternate energy.


    The North Slope Borough will assist the North Slope Borough School District in developing and implementing effective energy conservation curriculum resources for use at all grade levels in the District Schools.


    In all new facilities bidding, bidders will be required to research and Present at least one demonstration energy conservation feature, system or materials application.


    A comprehensive Borough Energy Plan will be developed and implemented in the near future. This plan will include conservation goals, alternate energy system priorities and a strategy for dealing with emergency energy shortages.


    Borough employees will be encouraged to choose the most fuel- efficient means of travel in the course of their work. Vehicle pools and walking will be encouraged, along with the use of buses where available.


    An incentive and bonus system will be established to encourage Borough employees to suggest and demonstrate effective energy conservation ideas. In addition, the Utility Board will be asked to provide similar incentives and bonuses for energy conserving customers.

North Slope Borough Assembly Resolution 6-81

WHEREAS, the citizens and communities of the North Slope Borough are in need of increased local support and leadership in the development and implementation of sound, cost-efficient and reliable personal and municipal energy systems, and

WHEREAS, our citizens and communities are burdened with increases in fuel and transportation costs even more oppressive than those experienced by other citizens of the State and Nation, and

WHEREAS, the Mayor of the North Slope Borough has directed the development of a major policy statement on energy resource management, energy conservation and alternative energy development, on behalf of the citizens and communities of the Borough, and

WHEREAS, the Borough desires to obtain relevant state and federal grants for energy conservation and alternate energy planning and projects,

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Assembly of the North Slope does hereby endorse and recommend the Energy Policy Statement of the Mayor and further resolves to support the objectives of conservation and improved energy economy set forth in that policy in the interest of the citizens and homeowners of the North Slope Borough.

Approved February 3, 1981
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