Inuit Circumpolar Elders Conference


The ICC Elders Conference took place in the High School Library as the General Assembly met in the auditorium.


Creation of Inuit Circumpolar Elders Conference

WHEREAS, Pursuant to I.C.C. Resolution Number 05-80, Inuit Elders from ALASKA, CANADA, and GREENLAND have met together on July 25-31, in FROBISHER BAY, CANADA; and

WHEREAS, to further the purpose of Resolution 05-80 the Elders believe it is necessary that the Elders Conference be constituted as a continuous permanent organization, within the I.C.C., so that the Elders' task of transmitting their knowledge will be facilitated; and

WHEREAS, the organization of Elders has set its basis on the Preamble and Article 2 and 3 of the Inuit Circumpolar Conference; and

WHEREAS, the Elders Conference has unanimously agreed on an administrative organizational structure, which is attached to and included in this resolution; and

WHEREAS, to be effective, a permanent Elders Organization, to be called the I.C.C. Elders Conference, within the I.C.C., for the purpose of furthering the aims of I.C.C. Resolution 05-80; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the I.C.C. Elders Conference administrative organizational structure as submitted to the I.C.C. General Assembly, is hereby approved; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the staff of the I.C.C., and such funding as the General Assembly shall from time to time deem appropriate, shall be made available to the I.C.C. Elders Conference to facilitate its endeavors.


Alcohol and Drug Abuse

WHEREAS, the Inuit of Greenland, Alaska, and Canada are one indivisible people with a common language, culture, environment and concern; and

WHEREAS, Inuit Elders from Alaska, Canada and Greenland have met together for the purpose of furthering the aims of I.C.C. and have formed the I.C.C. Elders Conference on July 25-31, 1983, at Frobisher Bay; and

WHEREAS, we as Elders have experienced personally the heartbreak and loss that occurs when members of our Inuit families or community have died or become incapacitated because of alcohol and/or drug abuse; and

WHEREAS, the Inuit have a right to participate and determine their own health care; and

WHEREAS, alcohol and drug abuse is increasing at epidemic rates throughout the Inuit homeland and is becoming a severe health and social problem;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we as concerned Elders strongly recommend that Inuit communities consider banning alcohol and drug introduction and consumption; and

FURTHER, that Inuit as a unique people with sovereign authority within the Inuit lands are to govern themselves and exercise traditional methods of control relating to the banning of alcohol and drug substances locally.


Education of Students

WHEREAS, the various Departments of Education within the Inuit homelands have a legal obligation to provide educational programs to Inuit students; and

WHEREAS, the Inuit Elders recognize the primary importance and need for our younger generation to learn the traditional lifestyle and ways, as well as our cultural heritage, our spiritual beliefs and our languages; and

WHEREAS, instruction and education of our younger generation must come from Elders and from the Inuit of their own local area, and not from persons from outside our regions; and

WHEREAS, the current educational programs in the schools are not meeting the needs of our younger generation to learn about our culture, our lifestyle, our spiritual beliefs and our languages;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we the Inuit Elders hereby require that our various Legislatures enact legislation making enrollment in Inuit language programs mandatory for our students; and

FURTHER, that the instructors for the Inuit language programs and cultural heritage programs be Inuit from the specific regions, be they Elders and/or teachers; and

FURTHER, that adequate two to three hour blocks of time be allocated daily to allow adequate undisturbed time for traditional teaching; and

FURTHER, that the various governments or entities who support Inuit Education provide adequate funding to accomplish these goals.


Language, Education and Culture

WHEREAS, the I.C.C. Elders Conference of Greenland, Alaska and Canada has set its basis on the Preamble and Articles 2 and 3 of the Inuit Circumpolar Conference; and

WHEREAS, the Inuit Elders desire to strengthen the bond of Inuit mutual identity through its younger generations and through the use of the Inuit language, the sharing of historical experiences by cultural exchange and to promote Inuit academic excellence with the adoption of educational philosophy with emphasis on Inuit values and morals; and

WHEREAS, Inuit Elders desire for all Inuit to have closer contact and communication crossing the barrier of Inuit linguistic differences by the development of a common writing system;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that I.C.C. take steps to increase staff to further the purposes of I.C.C. Resolution 77-04; and

FURTHER, that exchange of students and/or teachers be increased to facilitate this program.


Inuit Circumpolar Elders Conference

WHEREAS, Inuit Circumpolar Elders Conference wishes to state that the Inuit are subsistence hunters who range broadly over the Arctic and sub-Arctic in search of bowhead and beluga whale, seals, fish, walrus, polar bear, fish and other wildlife; and

WHEREAS, the Inuit retain all attributes of our original rights, title, ownership, dominion and sovereign jurisdiction which have not been expressly relinquished or abandoned; and

WHEREAS, the I.C.C. Elders Conference wishes to state that the Inuit society must maintain its distinct identity; and

WHEREAS, the whale is an integral part of Inuit society;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Inuit Circumpolar Conference in cooperation with the Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope and the Alaska Whaling Commission examine the social ramifications of the international quota system and of National Laws and regulations regarding whales, and to report to the next I.C.C. Elders Conference.

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