Inuit policies and actions towards a Circumpolar Environment policy would be based on certain principles including the following:

1. Integrity of the environment -- Inuit recognize their responsibility for ensuring the integrity of the circumpolar environment and its resources as a source of life, livelihood and well-being for present and future generations.

2. Right to manage -- Inuit have a right to protect, to manage, to benefit from and to retain access to the circumpolar environment and its resources, the whole based upon their historical and current use and occupancy of the circumpolar environment.

3. Participation in decision-making -- Inuit must have full and meaningful participation in any decision-making processes affecting the complete environment of the circumpolar region, including the marine environment, coastal zones, ice zones, the offshore area, seabed, land environment and atmosphere.

4. Participation in design and implementation -- Inuit must have full participation in the design and implementation of all management systems for renewable and non-renewable resources in the circumpolar region.

5. Impact assessment -- There shall be no major development activity in the circumpolar region unless subject to adequate planning and environmental and social impact assessment procedures acceptable to Inuit. Such impact procedures must include, where appropriate, funding to the Inuit to encourage and ensure their participation in these procedures.

6. Access to information -- Inuit shall have full and timely access to all necessary information concerning any plan or action affecting the circumpolar environment.

7. Research -- Inuit recognize the need for relevant and appropriate research in the circumpolar region. Inuit must determine research needs and priorities and participate in the design and implementation of any research to be undertaken in the circumpolar region.

8. Renewable resource use -- Inuit use of renewable resources of the circumpolar region for traditional uses, nutritional needs and commercial trade must take priority over all other uses of such resources.

9. Inuit expertise -- Inuit expertise on the circumpolar environment and its resources shall receive adequate and fair recognition as part of the scientific data-base available to all users and managers of the environment of the circumpolar region. Where appropriate this information will be integrated into management regulations affecting the control and use of the environment.

10. International cooperation -- International cooperation is necessary for proper research, protection and management of the circumpolar environment. Inuit consultation and participation at all stages of such cooperation is fundamental.

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