Inuit possess unique and specific Arctic scientific knowledge. Often, Arctic research projects fail to take advantage of this resource, thus diminishing the validity of Arctic research results. The Arctic is a single geographic area, yet Arctic science and research activities often occur on a national, regional or institutional basis, rather than in an internationally cooperative forum. Inuit have not been made party to results of Arctic research. Arctic science and research has in the past not been conducted with the end goal to address Inuit science and research priorities.

While the Inuit of Canada, Alaska and Greenland have in the past called upon their governments to respond to the lack of Inuit participation in Arctic science and research -- and to respond to the need for international Arctic rim research cooperation -- it has witnessed no such actions, except within the Inuit Circumpolar Conference.

The Inuit Circumpolar Conference, as the only international Arctic policy forum with Non-Governmental Organization status at the United Nations, is in a position to request that the United Nations Subcommittee on Indigenous Peoples of the Human Rights Commission -- or the United Nations agencies as deemed fit -- serve as a resource body for Arctic rim nations cooperation in science and research.

Arctic science and research should include the following parameters:

1). Arctic rim country cooperation with Inuit.

2). Focus on circumpolar research to benefit Inuit, in the realm of social, economic, health, and applied Arctic technology -- including local energy and alternative energy development.

3). Resource development from the perspective of adequate technology to ensure protection of the environment and from the perspective of adequate local participation in resource development planning.

4). Environmental protection of renewable resources of the Arctic to protect subsistence rights.

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